The Oxford Dictionary defines success as: The accomplishment of an aim or purpose.
So many times, we set large goals and set (even if just in our mind) a time frame to get it done. Often when the date comes, and the Big Goal is not accomplished we feel failure. We forget to look at all the small steps that we did accomplish along the way.
We feel our accomplishments (or lack of) as how we are. Remember that not accomplishing a goal is not who we are! Maybe we set an unrealistic goal, that puts ourselves in a position that there is no way to achieve it in the time frame we wanted. Baby steps…. how many parts of the Big Goal did we actually get done?
Success is also an internal feeling….
It’s how you feel about yourself. You may not have completed the Big Goal, but are happy with what you did get done, those baby steps. You did not get the big goal completed, but you are happy with what you accomplished? This is Success!
Success is not always defined by others' perception of us. Someone gets mad or decides they don’t want to talk to us, are we unsuccessful? NO. It may not even have anything to do with us. It may hurt, and hurt bad, but it doesn’t make us unsuccessful or our life unsuccessful.
Thank you for reading this far. This newsletter something extremely different and is coming from my heart as I try to do some self-evaluation and help one of my children work through some of their personal issues. We so often focus on what others tell us about ourselves that we begin to think that is how we are. It is not always true.
It's come to me in writing this that maybe the feeling of Success and Self-confidence may go hand in hand. If we don’t have the self-confidence to see the good we do, the people whose life we make better, or the things we’ve accomplished (little or small) we might never feel successful.
I personally have an issue with confidence, the feeling that I’m not as good as others, or the things I accomplish aren’t as good as the could be, or as good as what others are doing.
My goal for the rest of this year is to work on my self-confidence! Hopefully, I’ll SUCCEED in my goal!
Will you?
Please share your goals, accomplishments, and SUCCESS.